Research shows that companies with a higher density of employee changemakers are more sustainable and successful. 

In collaboration with novelist Aurelie Razimbaud, Ashoka shares the personal stories of executives, managers and employees at all levels driving positive impact within their companies. Through heartfelt interviews, we highlight their journeys of employee-led changemaking, featuring leaders from companies like Boehringer Ingelheim, Kersia and more. 


More company employees need to identify and act as changemakers...

There is a growing gap between companies’ sustainability ambitions and their results.

A recent GlobeScan study found that despite the stated importance of sustainability to commercial success, only 37 percent of senior leader respondents believe sustainability is “very integrated” into the core of their business.  

To help close this gap, we need more employees who identify and act as changemakers!

Early evidence points to it: Leveraging LinkedIn data, Ashoka discovered that the top 10 globally rated sustainable companies show on average a 10 percent density of employees initiating and activating change – which is three times the industry average.

Growing.png we are telling their stories

We need new protagonists in the sustainability transition: changemaker employees. 

A Supply Chain Manager of a healthcare company, a Head of HR in the food safety industry, a DEI Manager of a sports company: What values drive them? What inspires them to contribute to positive impact? What keeps them up at night? 

We tell these stories of corporate employees leading change to set others in motion. Change will not happen without them, because they initiate creative solutions and unleash a powerful peer-to-peer multiplier effect.

Read more about the business case for employee changemaking here


The employee social impact framework

Changemaking happens at many levels. Sometimes it's an action we take to solve challenges in our own lives, that also improves those of our families, neighboors, colleagues... Sometimes, it's a wider movement that affects a whole community, or even society at large. 

Either way, the key is always in the empathy that has led to that action. The drive to do good for all. 

Each of the stories we share fit in at least one of three different levels of impact: The protagonist and their direct surrounding; their community or neighboorhood; society in general. 



Meet Sebastien, Sophie, Annette, Ghizlane... and many others who have shared their personal and professional journeys. They reflect the reality of thousands of employees who have taken that extra step to solve the problems they witnessed around them. And inspired others to follow. 

Driving Corporate Transformation Through Innovative Training

SEBASTIEN BOSSARD | CEO OF KERSIA | FRANCE Sebastien spearheaded changemaker training within his company in the chemical industry, transforming mindsets and fostering a culture of innovation and empathy. By introducing Ashoka programs and focusing on systemic change, he empowered employees to become...
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Championing Diversity: How a Sports Company Drives Inclusion and Social Impact

SOPHIE | DEI & SOCIAL IMPACT LEADER AT A SPORTS COMPANY | FRANCE | Sophie drives initiatives that promote equal opportunities and social impact. Through diverse hiring practices, community outreach, and internal advocacy she is transforming her company into a place where marginalized voices are...
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Quiet Impact: A Journey through Social Finance

ANNETTE | IMPACT FINANCE AT PHILIPS | THE NETHERLANDS | Annette reflects on her journey toward becoming a changemaker, inspired by ordinary, unsung heroes who contribute selflessly to the common good. As a director of social finance and founder of a consultancy firm, she strives to create a positive...
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Shared Governance Models, In Business and At Home

JEAN MAUPEOU | ASSOCIATE FACILITATOR AT FLEXJOB | FRANCE | Jean reflects on a life guided by solving problems, fostering collaborative leadership, and living with former homeless individuals. His own company was created on a fully shared and transparent governance model, and he emphasizes a deep...
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HR & Education to Retain Local Talent

DEIRDRE FORTE | HR MANAGER AT KERSIA | IRELAND | For Deirdre, small, meaningful actions are important in fostering positive change. Working in a rural area, she launched an education program in her company, providing internships for students to gain valuable experience and help retain talent in the...
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The Power of Small Actions

PROFESSOR DR. JÖRG KREUZER | HEAD OF MEDICINE, REGIONAL OPERATING UNIT ASEAN, KOREA, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND AT BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM | Joerg reflects on how small, individual actions can create a ripple effect for change. Inspired the concept of the butterfly effect, he initiated the B-Effect...
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Passion and Leadership for a Healthier World

MANUELA PASTORE | ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY ACTIVATION, SUSTAINABILITY & CULTURE AT BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM | GERMANY Manuela's journey with Boehringer Ingelheim's Making More Health program transformed her career, inspiring her to move away from traditional roles. She launched a leadership...
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Working with Farmers as the Changemakers Towards a Sustainable Future

TOBIAS | GLOBAL DIRECTOR OF SMART AND SUSTAINABLE FARMING IN FOOD INDUSTRY | FRANCE | With a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability, Tobias leads efforts in transitioning to regenerative agriculture. Through collaboration with farmers and pioneering sustainable business models, he strives to meet...
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Empowering Communities Through Compassion

DR. MOSES AROKOYO | REGIONAL SALES MANAGER IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA AT BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM | NIGERIA Moses' mission to uplift others spans from supporting vulnerable individuals at home to aiding farmers and renovating schools. His dedication as a changemaker drives both his personal and professional...
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Ikigai and Leadership: Finding Meaning in our Work

NICOLA BELLAMY | MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER AT KERSIA | UNITED KINGDOM Through ikigai and introspection, Nicola, Marketing Manager in the food safety industry, finds purpose in mentoring and leadership, aligning personal values with professional growth. She leads initiatives in her sector to...
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From Grape Juice to Drones: Creating Impact for All

JAN CASSEN | GLOBAL SUPPLY MANAGER AT BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM | GERMANY | A manager driven by empathy, Jan from Boehringer Ingelheim built connections between teams, communities, and social causes. Starting with selling grape juice for charity and extending to helping social entrepreneurs improve...
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From Intrapreneurship to Entrepreneurship in the Chemical Industry

GHIZLANE JOUGLEUX | CEO AT MUTYN | FRANCE | A passionate advocate for ethical consumption, Ghizlane decided to start her own sustainable cleaning product company, ensuring environmental responsibility is as much a priority as financial return. Her journey from a working-class Moroccan family to...
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Empowering Your Staff for Social Impact

FERNANDO ZALLOCO | GLOBAL HEAD OF TALENT ACQUISITION & PEOPLE GROWTH AT BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM | ARGENTINA | From leaving his hometown in Argentina at 17 to becoming Global Head of Talent, Fernando's journey is defined by bold risks and a passion for progress. Through initiatives like the Employee...
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Changing the Company Culture from Within

SARA BLANCO | TECHNICAL MANAGER & PROJECT LEAD AT KERSIA | UNITED KINGDOM Driven by empathy and commitment to societal betterment, Sara spearheads cultural changes within her company. Through mentoring, workshops, and strategic initiatives, she fosters a supportive, inclusive environment that values...
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Creating Changemakers: How the B-Effect is Driving Sustainable Impact at Work

AMANDA GOH | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, REGIONAL OPERATING UNIT ASEAN, KOREA, AUSTRALIA, AND NEW ZEALAND AT BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM | Amanda shares about the B-Effect program at Boehringer Ingelheim, created to inspire a community of corporate changemakers committed to sustainable impact. Through...
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Altruism and Social Responsibility

This theme reflects a deep-seated desire to contribute positively to society and make the world a better place. This value is a fundamental driver for many of the interviewees, motivating them to take action and see themselves as changemakers capable of creating meaningful impact. 

⚡Jan: "He emphasizes that his actions, such as selling grape juice and donating the profits to charity, are not motivated by personal gain but by a desire to contribute to a better world." 

⚡Moses: "Dr. Arokoyo demonstrates profound compassion and generosity throughout the interview. He regularly opens his home to those in need, providing shelter, education, and support to numerous individuals." 

⚡Joerg: "Joerg emphasizes the importance of giving back to society and helping others. This value is central to his changemaker identity and motivates him to create programs like B-Effect." 

Openness and Inclusivity

This theme highlights the importance of embracing diversity, fostering an inclusive environment, and being open to different perspectives. This value enables changemakers to create more equitable and collaborative spaces, driving positive change in their organizations and communities. 

⚡Annette: "The changemaker emphasizes the importance of an open and inclusive mindset, particularly in contrast to the more self-centered corporate world she was accustomed to." 

⚡Sophie: "Sophie's core value of inclusion and diversity is evident throughout the interview. She is passionate about creating equal opportunities for all, regardless of their background, religion, or physical abilities." 

⚡Jean: "Jean emphasizes the importance of openness and inclusivity in his approach to changemaking. He values creating spaces where everyone's voice is heard and respected." 

Empathy and Listening

This theme highlights the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, as well as actively listening to their needs and perspectives. This skill is crucial for changemakers to identify real issues, develop effective solutions, and build strong relationships with stakeholders. 

⚡Sophie: "Sophie's ability to listen and empathize with others is a crucial skill in her changemaking work. She emphasizes that many of her initiatives come from listening to the concerns and experiences of others, rather than her own ideas." 

⚡Moses: "Dr. Arokoyo's ability to empathize and connect with people is a crucial skill in his changemaking efforts. He shows a deep understanding of the challenges faced by farmers, students, and community members, which allows him to provide targeted and effective support." 

⚡Sara: "Sara demonstrates a strong sense of empathy and care for others, which is fundamental to her identity as a changemaker. She describes herself as always being attentive to others' well-being and having a high level of empathy, almost like a sixth sense." 

Inspiring and Mobilizing Others

This theme focuses on the ability to motivate and engage others in changemaking efforts. This skill allows changemakers to amplify their impact by creating a ripple effect of positive change within their organizations and communities. 

⚡Joerg: "Joerg demonstrates a strong ability to inspire and mobilize others to take action. He shares his enthusiasm and vision with colleagues, creating networks and programs that engage people in changemaking activities." 

⚡Sara: "Sara has actively worked to inspire and empower others to become changemakers. Through her presentations at company events, particularly those in partnership with Ashoka, she has shared her experiences and passion, encouraging colleagues to see themselves as potential agents of change." 

⚡Manuela: "Manuela demonstrates a strong ability to build networks and collaborate with diverse stakeholders. She mentions creating relationships with social entrepreneurs, NGOs, and colleagues from various departments." 

Patience and Persistence

This theme emphasizes the ability to persevere in the face of challenges and maintain a long-term perspective on change. This skill is essential for changemakers to navigate obstacles, overcome resistance, and achieve lasting impact. 

⚡Sara: "Sara demonstrates remarkable patience and perseverance in her changemaking journey. She acknowledges that changing organizational culture is a long process that requires taking small steps and not getting discouraged." 

⚡Sophie: "Sophie recognizes that changing deeply ingrained beliefs and practices requires resilience and patience. She acknowledges that progress often happens slowly and that it's essential to persist in the face of challenges." 

⚡Tobias: "Tobias demonstrates remarkable patience and persistence in his approach to transforming business models towards sustainability. He recognizes that change takes time, especially when dealing with natural cycles in agriculture." 

Cross-cultural Experiences

This theme highlights the transformative impact of exposure to different cultures and perspectives. These experiences broaden changemakers' worldviews, enhance their empathy, and inspire them to address global challenges. 

⚡Jan Cassen: "Jan's experiences working with social entrepreneurs in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda have been transformative in his journey as a changemaker. These international exposures allowed him to witness firsthand the challenges faced by communities in developing countries and apply his expertise to make a tangible difference." 

⚡Manuela: "Manuela's experiences working in India and Kenya were transformative for her changemaking journey. She spent time observing NGO practices, working with tribal villages, and organizing leadership weeks in these countries." 

⚡Tobias: "Growing up in a multicultural family and cosmopolitan environment exposed Tobias to diverse situations and perspectives from an early age. This experience fostered his awareness of global inequalities and inspired him to question the impact of his actions." 

Exposure to Social Entrepreneurs

This theme underscores the impact of interacting with and learning from social entrepreneurs. These experiences often serve as catalysts for changemakers, inspiring them to take action and providing models for innovative approaches to social change. 

⚡Joerg: "Joerg's exposure to social entrepreneurs, particularly through Ashoka meetings, was a transformative experience that shaped his changemaker journey. Hearing their stories and witnessing their impact inspired him to take action and create similar opportunities for others." 

⚡Annette: "The interviewee's exposure to and collaboration with social entrepreneurs has been a transformative experience in her changemaking journey. This interaction opened her eyes to a more collaborative and impact-driven approach to business, contrasting with her previous corporate experience." 

⚡Jan: "Jan's experiences working with social entrepreneurs in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda have been transformative in his journey as a changemaker." 

Creating Inclusive and Sustainable Business Practices

This theme highlights actions taken to transform business models and practices to be more inclusive, sustainable, and socially responsible. These actions demonstrate changemakers' commitment to aligning business objectives with positive social and environmental impact. 

⚡Ghizlane: "One of Ghizlane's most significant actions as a changemaker was creating her own company based on strong ethical principles. By establishing a clear ethical charter, prioritizing environmental impact alongside profit, and fostering a culture of education and awareness, she has created a platform for driving change within her industry." 

⚡Jean: "A significant action Jean has taken as a changemaker is implementing a shared governance model in his company. This involves creating a transparent, participatory structure where all employees have access to financial information and decision-making power." 

⚡Tobias: "Tobias has taken concrete actions to initiate sustainable practices within his company and industry. A significant example is his commitment to transition 100% of their potato cultivation areas to regenerative agriculture practices by 2030." 



Discover your Changemaking Skills

A changemaker is anyone who envisions a better reality, takes action to enable that reality and activates others to join them in shaping it for the good of all.

Take the Changemaker Index quiz to find out where you are on your changemaker journey. 


Develop your Intrapreneurship Skills

Developing employee skills such as intrapreneurship, agility and collaborative leadership is increasingly important for businesses.

Future of Business is a 6-week online course offered to Ashoka's corporate partners, including funders, grant-makers, and emerging leaders working within the private sector.


Take your Company on a Changemaker Journey

Would you like your company to encourage its employees to be changemakers? Would you like to increase your social impact and sustainability from within? 

Discover what Ashoka's Changemaker Companies team has to offer. 


Find Out What's on the Minds of CEOs

While CEOs say sustainability has become business critical, they acknowledge a gap between their intention and their action to make sustainability core to their strategy.

The global study ‘On the Minds of CEOs’ identifies 10 key drivers and barriers of CEOs driving sustainable transformation.